Approved group curriculum


Parenting by Paul David Tripp

This is a book study with an additional Discussion Guide. This discussion guide has many questions that were thoughtfully crafted to help you discover God in your life, specifically in your journey of parenting. And as you share your genuine journey in Christ with others, you will be mutually encouraged to follow God, growing in Him together empowered by the Spirit.

Romans by John Stott

In Paul's letter to the Romans he explains the power we've been given to be effective witnesses, overcome sin, be wholly committed to God, handle differences in Christ's body, and be responsible Christian citizens. The truth in Romans will transform your thinking and convict your heart as you discover the power of the gospel for every area of your life and our world.

Proverbs by william mouser

Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you to be successful and prosperous in your work, your dealings with family and friends, and your relationship with God.

The gospel-centered community by robert h. thune & Will Walker

This nine-lesson small group study helps participants learn how the Holy Spirit shapes diverse people into a Christ-centered community that reflects Jesus to a watching world. Each lesson is self-contained, featuring clear teaching from biblical Scripture, and requires no extra work outside the group setting.

James by NT Wright

Every generation in the church worries about people who just glide along, seeming to enjoy what they hear in church without it making any difference. James faced exactly the same problem in the very first generation. So it’s not surprising that translating belief into action is near the heart of his message. These studies on James’s letter help us live out a faith that makes a difference.

Dangerous good by kenny luck

Good men are in high demand but low supply. That reality is creating suffering and injustice at every level of society in every community worldwide. Dangerous Good calls on the millennial generation of men who follow Jesus worldwide to confront that by deciding, individually and as a group, to be dangerous with goodness like Jesus. Here is the next revolution of masculinity the world is waiting for.

Practicing The Way Course

The Practicing the Way Course features eight sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to
lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus.

Letters of John by John Stott

With all going on in the world, there are external insecurities reflected in the internal world of the mind and of the spirit. There is widespread distrust of Christian faith and a preference for agnosticism or free thought. Many church members are confused and uncertain. To read the letters of John is to enter another world marked by assurance, knowledge, confidence, and boldness.

Life in rhythm

A ten-week small group experience designed to help individuals integrate the 7 Rhythms of a Disciple into the two spheres in which we spend most of our lives – work and relationships.

  • Follow-up for Rooted groups that become small groups

  • Follows the Rooted framework

Acts by n.t. wright

In Acts, Jesus is announced as King and Lord, not as an increasingly distant memory but as a living and powerful reality, a person who can be known and loved, obeyed and followed, a person who continues to act within the real world. We call the book "The Acts of the Apostles," but we should think of it as "The Acts of Jesus (II)." These studies help us to do so, and see how Jesus' acts through the apostles inform our acts today.