
Ranch Church is a redemptive community of people on an adventure with Jesus as He transforms the world.


Teach God’s Word, Live in community well, Recognize that every believer is a minister with a ministry, Be contagious in sharing Jesus Christ


“We believe Jesus is the only Son of God, who came to earth as a man, died for our sins, and came back to life again. We believe all who in faith trust Him as their Lord and Savior to forgive their sins are part of the worldwide body of Christ.”

As a church, we are most closely aligned to the beliefs outlined in The Lausanne Covenant.

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Meet Our Team

Cole Beshore - Lead Pastor

Cole Beshore is passionate about people saying yes to the adventure of following Jesus. He has his MA in Theology and is currently in the process of completing work on his Doctorate in Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Cole and his wife Katie have been in ministry for over 15 years and love to see families connect to each other, and impact communities for good. 

Contact Cole


Josiah Schwartz - Student Ministries Pastor

The Lord changed Josiah's heart during middle school and high school, and it's his passion to be a part of helping students find Jesus and walk with Him. A graduate of Azusa Pacific University with a BA in Youth Ministry, he has over 15 years of experience ministering and connecting students. He and his wife Rachel have been married 10 years and have two sons, Ezekiel and Stone. He thoroughly enjoys chasing his boys around the house, Dodger baseball, California's central coast and the music of Kings Kaleidoscope.

Contact Josiah

Kathy Martin - Kids Pastor

Kathy Martin has been loving on kiddos most of her life and finds such joy in serving Ranch Kids. She is excited to come alongside our youngsters and their families on this great adventure with Jesus. Her heartfelt mission is to help our children grow in Christ and know how very much God loves them and has a plan for their lives! Kathy serves with her husband Rich; they have two fabulous daughters, and served as an educator and Principal in the Saddleback Valley School District prior to her transition to full time ministry.

Contact Kathy

Danielle Burek - Community Engagement Pastor

Danielle is passionate about creating opportunities for people to engage and connect with Jesus, each other, and the Church, through community events and worship experiences. After years of ministry in Seattle, her and her husband, Connor, have made their way back to their hometown of South Orange County, and are committed to serving the local church together and seeing Jesus made known in their neighborhood and community. She has her Bachelors Degree in Communications and completed Churchome Leadership College.

Contact Danielle